Illicium verum

Fruits of genuine star anise ( Illicium verum) as a spice

The real star anise ( Illicium verum) belongs to the family of Sternanisgewächse ( Schisandraceae ). It is an evergreen tree that grows in tropical areas, whose mature fruits ( anise seed stellati fructus ) are used as a spice.


The real star anise grows as a evergreen tree that can reach heights of growth of up to 20 m. The leaves are close to the tips of the branches. They are obovate to inversely lanceolate, 5-11 cm long and 1.6 to 4 cm wide. The blade tip is acute or short acuminate, the leaf base is wedge-shaped pointed, the leaf margin is entire.

The deep red flowers appear singly in the leaf axils. The perianth consists of seven to twelve bloom cladding. There are eleven to 20 stamens present, eight or nine carpels are in a whorl and are not fused together. The reddish-brown fruit has a diameter of about 3.5 cm and composed of eight or nine woody Balgfrüchten. The seeds are brown and shining.


Together with fennel, Cassiazimt, clove and star anise Szechuan pepper, the Real is used in Chinese cuisine as five-spice powder. Furthermore, it may be part of the Indian curries. Asian meat dishes such as Peking duck flavored with star anise. Even for a flavorful broth called Lu - shui, which is extensively used in Chinese cuisine, star anise is used as one of the many spices.

Since the shell is more aromatic than the cores of star anise is used together with shell or ground. Stored in closed containers, the shelf life is about three years.

The closely related and similar in smell and appearance of Japanese star anise, Illicium anisatum, is burned in Japan traditionally as incense, but is not suitable as a spice because it is toxic and can damage the liver, kidneys and bladder permanently. Some of it has come from inadvertent mixing of skipjack with Japanese star anise poisoning.

The fruits of star anise contain 70 ml / kg of essential oil. The aroma of star anise is determined by trans-anethole, which accounts for the largest share of the essential oil with at least 86 %. Plants with very similar flavor are anise, fennel and Sweet Cicely nowadays rarely used ( Myrrhis odorata ). It tastes sweet and lasting licorice -like, but also a little peppery and sour.

Medical Terms

As a medicinal drug used, the dried fruits collection.

Active Ingredients: Essential oil with 80-90 % anethole and estragole to 6 % methylchavicol =, Foeniculin, anisaldehyde, and also with monoterpenes such as limonene, pinene and Linlool. In addition, flavonoids and small amounts Veranisatine.

Application: Star anise has as Real anise, Pimpinella anisum expectorant sputum promotional and light antispasmodic properties and is like this, but much more rarely, used in catarrh of the respiratory and digestive discomfort with bloating, flatulence and mild cramps in tea blends. Medical -used anise oil, which is contained in many cough medicines may consist of the cheaper essential oil of star anise, even if it is not identical to the real anise in the composition.
