Inès de La Fressange

Inès Marie Laetitia Eglantine Isabelle de Seignard de la Fressange ( born August 11, 1957 in Gassin, France ) is a former French model and a fashion and perfume designer.


Her father, Marquis André de Seignard de La Fressange, was dealer in securities, their Argentine mother, Cecilia Sanchez Cirez, one model. She grew up with three brothers in a mill from the 18th century outside of Paris. Her grandmother was Madame Simone Jacquinot, heiress to the assets of the bank Lazard.

In the 1980s, Inès de la Fressange modeling for the fashion house Chanel. In 1983, she signed a seven -year exclusive contract with Chanel and established the cult model, use the fashion brands and designers targeted for advertising. She was muse of Karl Lagerfeld, the head designer at Chanel, but in 1989 they separated in dispute. Today she is modeling rare. She is a businesswoman with its own boutique chain as well as a designer and consultant for Jean-Paul Gaultier, for she returned in 2008 to the catwalk.

1989 Inès de la Fressange one of the women whose image represented Marianne, the national figure of the French Republic and a symbol of freedom. Her predecessor as Marianne was Catherine Deneuve, her successor was Laetitia Casta. On June 18, 2008, she was awarded the Legion of Honor ( Légion d' honneur ).

On June 19, 1990, she married Luigi d' Urso, an Italian railway manager. From him she had two children. Luigi d' Urso died on 23 March 2006 at the age of 55 from a heart condition.

In April 2011 Inès de La Fressange published the Guide Parisian Chic: A Style Guide by Ines de la Fressange ( German: Parisian chic, style guide ), she has illustrated himself.
