Inkamana Abbey

The Sacred Heart Inkamana Abbey was founded on August 3, 1922 as a mission station by Bishop Thomas Spreiter OSB. As a Benedictine mission of the Benedictine Congregation of St. Ottilia it is a monastery in Vryheid in South Africa.

As Upper Abbot Godfrey Sieber is before 42 monks. (April 2009)


On September 1, 1921, the Vatican entrusted to the Missionary Benedictines of the Benedictine Congregation of St. Ottilia, a new area of ​​operations in Zululand in South Africa. Missionary work had its origin from Inkamana, a farm in the north of the town of Vryheid.

On August 3, 1922, celebrated on this farm for the first time the Mass, so that this day is considered the founding date of this Inkamana Abbey. From Inkamana from the Catholic church was built in Zululand. The mission of the Benedictine was not confined to spreading the Catholic faith through church, as well as founding and support of Christian communities, but enriched the society in economic terms by the construction and maintenance of hospitals and schools, especially primary schools in rural areas. The monks worked closely with the Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing and the Mallersdorf Franciscan.

From the mission area was the independent Diocese of Eshowe, which is open since 1975 with native bishops in 1951. Inkamana evolved from a mission station gradually became a monastic center and in 1962 a simple priory. Six years later it became the Konventualpriorat and raised in 1982 to the Abbey.

Over the years, an extensive monastic complex and a monastic large company emerged with many tasks: Farm and Garden, workshops, elementary school and high school with boys 'and girls' boarding school. The pastoral work in the area has been done by Inkamana from. Center of Inkamana is the great abbey church, the beginning of the fifties was built by the monks and extensively renovated in 1995-1997.

The parishes in the Diocese of Eshowe is still a main apostolate of Inkamana. In addition, the work a special significance in education and school.

Dependent houses the Sacred Heart Abbey Inkamana

To Abbey 2010 included two dependent houses that operate for themselves, but are canonically represented and cared for by the abbey.
