Iraqi National Movement

Called the Iraqi National Movement (al- Harakat al - Wataniyya al - Iraqiyya / الحركة الوطنية العراقية / al - Harakat al - Wataniya al - ʿ Iraqiya ), also Irakija, or Irakiah (English), is an alliance of several political groups in Iraq under the leadership of Iyad Allawi. The party sees itself as a national- secular alliance.

Main parties of the Iraqi National Movement are the party of the National Accord (al- Wifaq ) of Allawi, the renewal party of Tariq al - Hashimi, the Iraqiyoun Party of Usama to - Nudschaifi and Iraqi National Movement for Progress and Reform ( also al -Hal called ).

Parliamentary elections

Before the election, Saleh al - Mutlaq was barred from running because he was accused contacts to the old regime of Saddam Hussein. In the election itself the National Movement won 2.85 million votes and 91 seats was the strongest force in the Iraqi parliament. With the exception of the three Kurdish provinces, the Alliance was able to win seats everywhere. In al - Anbar, Salahaddin, Kirkuk and Diyala one was first. Overall Irakija won 91 seats in Parliament and was thus specifies the list with the most seats in the Iraqi parliament.

After the merger, the rule of law coalition and the Iraqi National Alliance whose chairman and former Ministerprädistent Nuri al -Maliki claimed the office for a new term of office. The negotiations on forming a government could be completed only after eight months.

In March 2011, leaving eight Abgedordnete the list and founded their own association, which they called "White Iraqiya ". In April, five more members founded the list " Free Iraqiya ".

Prominent members

  • Tariq al - Hashimi
  • Usama on - Nudschaifi
  • Iyad Allawi
  • Salih al - Mutlaq