Iris Nebula

7.1 may

18 ' × 18'

Cr 429 · 139 · Caldwell vdB 4

NGC 7023 is the name of the iris nebula containing the open cluster in the constellation Cepheus by Nomenclature of the NGC catalog. NGC 7023 has an angular extent of 18 ' x 18'. The Iris Nebula is a reflection nebula, which is from a central star of apparent magnitude 7.1 may be enlightened.

NGC 7023 was discovered on 18 October 1794 by Sir William Herschel.

Hubble mosaic of multiple shots

Full List

NGC 6999 | NGC 7000 | NGC 7001 | NGC 7002 | NGC 7003 | NGC 7004 | NGC 7005 | NGC 7006 | NGC 7007 | NGC 7008 | NGC 7009 | NGC 7010 | NGC 7011 | NGC 7012 | NGC 7013 | NGC 7014 | NGC 7015 | NGC 7016 | NGC 7017 | NGC 7018 | NGC 7019 | NGC 7020 | NGC 7021 | NGC 7022 | NGC 7023 | NGC 7024 | NGC 7025 | NGC 7026 | NGC 7027 | NGC 7028 | NGC 7029 | NGC 7030 | NGC 7031 | NGC 7032 | NGC 7033 | NGC 7034 | NGC 7035 | NGC 7036 | NGC 7037 | NGC 7038 | NGC 7039 | NGC 7040 | NGC 7041 | NGC 7042 | NGC 7043 | NGC 7044 | NGC 7045 | NGC 7046 | NGC 7047 | NGC 7048

  • Cepheus ( constellation )