ISO 3166-2:AE

The list of ISO 3166-2 codes for the United Arab Emirates contains the codes for the seven Emirates ( Imara ) of the country.

The codes are composed of two parts which are separated by a hyphen. The first part is the country code again according to ISO 3166-1 ( for United Arab Emirates AE ), the second the code for the emirate. The current country code is the third newsletter of 20 August 2002 ( PDF) last updated.

In the case of the United Arab Emirates ( UAE) it involves two letters. Since 1998, when the Geo coordinates are given international recognition by the ISO, this small, with two exceptions in the romanized versions of the Arabic names are unchanged: When Ra's al -Khaimah (Arabic - Romanized: Ra's al Khaimah ) you forgot the apostrophe and subsequently corrected in the second ISO - newsletter of 21 May 2002. In Abu Dhabi (Arabic - Romanized: Abū Zaby ) was the third newsletter of August 20th of that year, the Z against Z was exchanged.
