ISO/IEC 12207

The aim of the 1995 published ISO / IEC 12207 ( " Systems and software engineering - Software life cycle processes" ) is a better understanding of the production of this software and associated services. The improved understanding of negotiations and contracts between customers and suppliers of development projects should be simplified for the operation and maintenance of software systems. This standard is not applicable on the purchase of standard software packages.


ISO / IEC 12207 provides a framework for processes in the life cycle of software ( Software Life -Cycle Processes) dar. He describes at a high level, all major processes of the life cycle from conception to decommissioning and their relationships with each other. Processes consist of activities and this in turn from each task. ISO / IEC 12207 defines a process structure using a generally accepted terminology, it shall not be fixed to a particular life cycle model or a specific development method. It sets no details about the "how" in the implementation of activities and tasks and also no requirements concerning name, formats or content of documents.

In addition, ISO / IEC 12207 describes how the standard can be tailored to a specific organization or on a specific project plans.

2008, a new version of the standard was adopted. The summary on the process areas were redefined and the reference to the software becomes clearer.

Processes according to ISO / IEC 12207:1995

Differences are the following processes:

Primary processes

  • Procurement ( activities of procurers of software and services ),
  • Delivery (activities of the supplier of software and services ),
  • Development (activities of the software developer )
  • Operation ( this includes activities such as system implementation, test and user support) and
  • Maintenance (fault and corrective action, throughput improvement, adaptation to changing environment, ...).

Supporting Processes

Documentation, configuration management, quality assurance, formal verification of processes ( verification " If the product is correct, so by default, developed ?"), Content Verification (Validation "Will develop the right product? Does it correspond to the expectations? ") Tuning ' between the customer and supplier ( joint Review ), audit and troubleshooting.

Organizational processes

Part of the organizational processes include management, infrastructure (activities to provide the necessary infrastructure, such as hardware, software, standards, tools), optimization (measuring, checking and improving the life cycle processes) and training.

Processes according to ISO / IEC 12207:2008

In the 2008 version, the process areas have been completely rearranged. The seven regions are more specifically defined as previously for the software development.
