Izabela Czartoryska

Izabela Dorota Czartoryska Fortunata (also: Isabella Czartoryska * March 3, 1746 in Warsaw, † June 17, 1835 in Wysock, Galicia ), born Countess von Flemming, was an aristocrat from the ivenschen line of the House of Pomerania Flemming, by marriage Princess Czartoryska, and worked as a writer, philanthropist, patron, salonière and art collector. She founded the Czartoryski Museum was the first Polish National Museum.


She was a daughter of the Treasurer of Lithuania, Count Georg Detlev von Flemming from the Pomeranian Uradelsgeschlecht Flemming and Princess Antonina Czartoryska. On November 18 1761 she married her cousin in Wołczyn, Prince Adam Kazimierz Czartoryski. The couple had children Teresa, Maria Anna, Adam Jerzy Konstanty Adam, Gabriela and Zofia.

1772 she met in Paris, Benjamin Franklin, one of the leaders of the American Revolution, and the French philosopher Jean -Jacques Rousseau and Voltaire.

Although the family lived mainly in Warsaw in the Blue Palace, the summer residence of the princess in Pulawy made ​​with her husband from 1775 to a meeting place for intellectuals and politicians. She discovered the talent of the young painter Aleksander Orlowski and financed him. She adored William Shakespeare.

In 1784 they united the Polish patriots after their sons Adam Jerzy and Konstanty Adam of Empress Catherine of Russia had been taken after the Kościuszko Uprising as political hostages.

She left in 1796 to build the ruined palace of Pulawy again and began to build a museum. Among the first objects were the Turkish trophies from the Battle of Vienna. Furthermore, historically have been added valuable objects from Polish families, including outstanding the Royal Box with 73 jewels various Polish kings. In 1801 she opened the first museum, the so-called Temple of the Sibyl, which contained a famous collection of Polish antiquities. They also made ​​on the premises in Pulawy magnificent gardens and next to build elementary schools and factories. Influenced by the ideas of romance, they also acquired items of sentimental significance, symbolizing splendor and misery of human life, such as Shakespeare's chair, fragments of the supposed tomb of Romeo and Juliet in Verona, remnants of the bones of El Cid and Jimena from the Burgos Cathedral, remains of the bones of Abelard and Heloise, and of Petrarch and his Laura.

During the November Uprising of 1830, when the museum was closed and all the objects were evacuated, her castle was a hospital for wounded and a haven for the fleeing patriots. After the unfortunate outcome of the revolution, they retired to Wysock in Galicia, where she died on 17 June 1835.

Her son Adam Jerzy took the salvaged parts of its collection from Pulawy with exiled to Paris, where they were kept in the Hôtel Lambert, until they were made in 1878 by her grandson Władysław Czartoryski the public as Czartoryski Museum in Krakow again accessible. There, they are still visible today.


  • A Silesian travel in 1816, The Travel Diary of the Polish Princess Czartoryska, ed. v. Katrin Schulze, Mountain City Publisher
  • Myśli różne o sposobie zakładania ogrodów (1805 )
  • Pielgrzym w Dobromilu, czyli nauki wiejskie (Dept. 1818)