Jack Elam

William Scott "Jack" Elam ( born November 13, 1920 in Miami, Arizona; † 20 October 2003 in Ashland, Oregon ) was an American actor, who appeared mostly as a villain or outsider.

Life and work

In our memory is Elam for his appearances as the villain in westerns like play me the song of death or Even a Local Sheriff, which immediately his unusual appearance - the immobile squinting eye and his thick eyebrows - strikes. The condition of his eye went back to a suffered at the age of 12 years infringement by a pencil.

Was he still subscribed in the 1950s on the role of the villain, he played in the late 1960s increasingly outsider or comedy roles. From the mid- 1970s he joined increasingly during the television series and film comedies.

Jack Elam died at the age of 82 of heart failure.


TV series

  • Bonanza - Season 2 Episode 49: The Taming of the Shrew (The Spitfire 1961)
  • Bonanza - Season 8 Episode 18: A woman for Buford (A Bride For Buford 1967)
  • Bonanza - Season 12, Episode 13: John the honest skin ( Honest John 1970)
  • Kung Fu - Season 2 Episode 6: Caine and the Squaw
  • Listen, Home Improvement - Season 1 Episode 20: Typical Woman (along with Ernest Borgnine )
  • The people of the Virginian
  • The Rifleman - Season 1 Episode 7: The Duel ( Duel of Honor 1958)