Jahrbuch für Forschungen zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung

The Yearbook of research on the history of the labor movement is a German historical scientific journal.

The Yearbook of research on the history of the labor movement is aimed at both an academic audience as well as to those interested in history, its contents deal mainly with the German and international workers' movement. Other topics include the social history and history of the world of work and the history of social movements. The Yearbook is published three times a year, the bulk of forming scientific papers and communications, there is also a section for first publication of documents and an extensive review section.

The Yearbook is the only German -language journal, which are mainly devoted to the history of the international workers' movement. For the ten-member editorial include: Helga Brangsch, Christa Huebner, Bärbel Kontny, Dietmar Lange, Herbert Mayer, Ulla Plener, Elke Scherstjanoi, Daniela reapers, Carola Tischler and Axel Weipert.

Among the authors of the Yearbook includes both young scientists and graduate students as well as well-known historians such as Peter Brandt, Günter Benser, Rolf Badstübner, Gisela Notz, Michael R. Krätke, Mario Kessler, Dick Geary, Beverly J. Silver, Marcel van der Linden Vijay Prashad and.
