Jan Nowicki

January Nowicki ( born November 5, 1939 in Kowal at Wloclawek ) is a Polish actor.

Nowicki received initially from 1958 to 1960 as an actor training at the Film School in Łódź, but later moved to the State Theatre School PWST in Krakow, where he graduated in 1964 with a diploma. Since 1965 it belongs to the ensemble of the Teatr Stary in Krakow and is a lecturer at the way his former drama school in Cracow. His debut with the film, he gave in 1965 in Andrzej Wajda classic film ashes. January Nowicki is dating by the Hungarian director Márta Mészáros and has been active since the mid-1970s regularly in their films. The couple has two children together.

Filmography (selection)
