Jane Rogers

Jane Rogers ( born July 21, 1952 in London ) is a British author, screenwriter, editor and teacher at the University of Sheffield. It is above all through her ​​novels, "Mr. Wroe 's Virgins " and" The daughter of the missionary " become known. 1994 Rogers was a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature. Her last roamn, The Testament of Jessie Lamb, was nominated for the Man Booker Prize and won the Arthur C. Clarke Award.

Rogers is the mother of two children and lives in Lancashire.


  • Mr. Wroe 's Virgins, 1991, ISBN 0571165281
  • My Mother's House, 2001, ISBN 3-442-75040-7, Iceland, 1999, ISBN 0316851531
  • The daughter of a missionary, 2006, ISBN 3-442-73468-1, The Voyage Home, 2004, ISBN 0316726710
  • The Testament of Jessie Lamb, 2013, ISBN 3453314859, The Testament of Jessie Lamb, 2011, ISBN 0857864181

