
Janggi (also Changgi ) is the national chess variant Korea.

It is a board game that is played on a board with 9 by 10 lines. A Janggi - game develops more rapidly than a FIDE chess game, since the possibility of blockade by farmers are greatly reduced.

Comparison with Xiangqi

Janggi derived from Chinese Xiangqi ago. Pitch and installation match those of Xiangqi, except for the lack of " flow " in the middle. The generals also begin in the center of her palace instead of the baseline.


The pieces are labeled as in Xiangqi with Chinese characters, but in a hard to read italics. There are the following stones:

In the palace, Chariots, Cannons, and Soldiers may also drag along the diagonal lines.


The game ends with a " checkmate " when a general can not exempt from a threat ( Janggun ) ( a successful liberation is called meonggun ). If no legal moves are possible, there is a draw. An illegal train would be about one who bitjang leads to ( see above) or the repetition of an earlier train.
