Jean Clédat

Jean Clédat ( born May 7, 1871 in Périgueux, † July 29, 1943 in Bouch ) was a French Egyptologist and Koptologe.

Jean Clédat was a member of the Institut français d' archéologie orientale ( IFAO ) in Cairo since 1900. He was ( Tell al - Maschuta about ) involved in the excavations in Coptic and Pharaonic sites of Bawit, Deir Abu Hennis, Aswan ( Simeon Monastery ), Asyut, Akhmim, Sohag and Suez during excavations in the area.


  • Le monastère et la nécropole de Baouît ( Institut Français d' Archéologie Orientale = du Caire. Mémoires. Vol 12, ISSN 0257 - 411X ). 3 volumes. Imprimerie de l' Institut Français d' Archéologie Orientale 1904-1999.