Jean de Witte

Baron Jean -Joseph -Antoine -Marie de Witte ( born February 24, 1808 in Antwerp, † 30 July 1889 in Paris) was a Belgian classical archaeologist and numismatist epigraphists.

Jean -Joseph -Antoine -Marie de Witte lived and worked in Paris. Together with Charles Lenormant, he wrote 1837-1861, the four -volume work Élite des monuments céramographiques. 1837/38 he published the font Descriptions de vases peints et de bronzes antiques provenant of fouilles de l' Étrurie. He also wrote numerous essays, including the publications of the later German Archaeological Institute, whose full member he was. Otto Jahn, he was on friendly terms after his stay in Paris. On a proposal by Theodor Panofkas and August Boeckh was de Witte 1845, together with Lenormant corresponding member of the Prussian Academy of Sciences. Since 1840 he was a corresponding, royale since 1851 a full member of the Académie des sciences, des lettres et des beaux -arts de Belgique, 1844, he became a member of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, 1871 foreign member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences.
