Jean-François Raffaëlli

Jean -François Raffaëlli ( born April 20, 1850 in Paris, † February 11, 1924 in Paris) was a French painter of realism, sculptor and printer, actor and author.


Raffaëlli came from a family of Italian descent and grew up in Paris. First, he showed great interest in music and theater and worked in these areas, before turning to painting. Raffaëlli was a student of French history painter and sculptor Gérôme in the École des beaux -arts in Paris. Raffaëlli worked from 1870 at the Salon de Paris. In addition to the dedication to classical landscape painting, he turned primarily in his paintings and drawings, scenes from the suburbs of Paris, street scenes and portraits of famous people is, and among other things, Georges Clemenceau in an election meeting. Lived on the outskirts of Paris and he also worked for a time in Meudon. After 1890 Raffaëlli shifted the focus of his work from the suburbs of Paris in the city itself, he created a whole a series of sculptures, many of which are now known only through photographs. In addition, he also produced engravings to many of Paris's Local how to, among other things Notre- Dame de Paris and the Hôtel des Invalides. In the later years of his life, he was also with colored printing techniques such as screen printing. Jean -François Raffaëlli was buried after his death at the Paris Père Lachaise Cemetery in Division 23e.

Publications of Raffaëlli

  • Catalogue of illustré oeuvres de Jean -François Raffaëlli exposés 28 bis, avenue de l' Opéra, you mars au 15 avril 1884, suivi d' Une étude de l' Movements of Modern Art et du beau caractériste 15, par J.-F. Raffaëlli, Paris, [ S. N. ], 1884.
  • Le Laid, l' intimité, la sensation et le caractère dans l'art; une bibliothèque of dessins, conférence au palais des Beaux- Arts de Bruxelles, au salon annuel of XX, le 7 février 1885, Poissy, Imprimerie de S. Lejay, sd
  • Les Promenades d'un artiste au Musée du Louvre, Paris: Bibliothèque des Annales politiques et littéraires, 1908 sous le titre Réédité Mes promenades au Musée du Louvre, Maurice Barres de préface, Paris. Éditions d' art et de littérature, 1913.
  • Correspondance Jean -François Raffaëlli - Octave Mirbeau, textes établis, presentes et annotes par Pierre Michel, Tusson: Imprimerie du Lerot, 1993.


  • Michel Melot: Jean -François Raffaëlli, l' oublié. In: Nouvelles de l' estampe, No. 128, May 1993, SS.19 - 30th