Joanna Kluzik-Rostkowska

Joanna Kluzik - Rostkowska ( born December 14, 1963 in Katowice ) is a Polish politician, since 2007 Member of the Sejm in the VI. Term, former Minister of Labour and Social Policy in the Government Jarosław Kaczyński and founder of the party Polska jest Najważniejsza.

Life and work


She finished studying journalism at the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science from the University of Warsaw. During her studies she was in Niezależne Zrzeszenie Studentów ( Independent Students Association - NZS ) active.

In the 80 years she worked for the underground newspaper " Tygodnik Mazowsze " ( Mazowiecki weekly ) and other magazines of samizdat. Since 1989 she has worked as a journalist for the political part of the " Tygodnik Solidarity" ( Solidarność weekly magazine ).

Professional activity

Working as a journalist

In 1992 she was head of the department reports the monthly " Konfrontacje ". In the same year she began working for the " Express Wieczorny " ( Evening Express ), the chief editor of the former deputies of the Catholic- conservative right-wing Porozumienie Centrum ( center - agreement - PC) was Andrzej Urbanski. She worked as a representative of the head of state and report editors, and editorial director of the documentary. After 1996, she was a journalist of the country and political editors of the weekly " Wprost ". After 2000, she led the business editor of the weekly " Nowe Państwo " ( New State). From 2001 to 2004 she was deputy chief editor of the weekly " Przyjaciolka " ( girlfriend). Throughout her career, she was active among others as Investigative journalist, reporting from war zones ( including Bosnia - Herzegovina and Chechnya).

Work in the Municipality of Warsaw

In 2004, she began working in the municipality of Warsaw as the main specialist in the press office. In 2005 she became the representative of the Mayor Lech Kaczyński for Women and Family Affairs.

Political activity

In the parliamentary elections in 2005, she ran for the electoral district of Warsaw on the list of Prawo i Sprawiedliwość ( Law and Justice - PiS ), but won no mandate. On 17 November 2005 it was sub - Secretary of State in the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, while she took over as the mission of the Government Plenipotentiary for the equal rights of men and women ( this office was abolished by the new Prime Minister Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz ). This office she held until 13 July 2007. On this day, she was appointed by the Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczyński to sub - Secretary of State in the Ministry of Regional Development.

Shortly before the takeover of the Office of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy on 13 August 2007, she gave the "Gazeta Wyborcza " an interview in which she positively expressed himself on the subject of " in vitro fertilization ", which marked resistance of the government supporting Catholic right-wing party Polskich Rodzin League ( League of Polish Families - LPR ) was noted. In other public statements criticizing, among other things Marsz Równości and Parada Równości. At the same time she spoke out against Roman Giertychs proposal to introduce a " prohibition of propaganda for the Homosexualitiät " in the Education Act. She was until 16 November 2007 Minister.

Members of the Sejm

In the parliamentary elections in 2007, she was on the list of PiS with 41 171 votes for the constituency Łódź Members of the Sejm. She is deputy chairman of the Sejm Commission for Social Policy and Family.
