Johann Brotan

Johann Brotan (* June 24, 1843 in Klattau, † November 20, 1918 in Vienna ) was an Austrian mechanical engineer.

Johann Brotan studied at the Polytechnic Institute in Vienna.

He worked at Staatstelegrafenbau in the Tisza Railway Company, the Hungarian Eastern Railway and the Lviv- Czernowitz - Jassy Railway, before he came to kkStB 1890. In 1902 he became head of the kkStB - workshop in Gmünd, later the workshop on Vienna's Westbahnhof. In 1912 he was retired.

He became famous for the invention of a locomotive firebox tube ( Brotankessel ).

  • Engineer, inventor, engineer
  • Railway engineer
  • Rail transport ( Austria )
  • Austrian
  • Person (Kingdom of Bohemia)
  • Born in 1843
  • Died in 1918
  • Man