Johannes Magnus

Johannes Magnus ( born March 19, 1488 Linköping, † March 22, 1544 in Rome) was a Swedish clergyman. He was Archbishop of Uppsala and the last Catholic Archbishop before entry of the Reformation in Sweden.

Magnus studied at the church school of Skara. Then he studied from 1506 at the University of Leuven in the later Pope Adrian VI. Theology.

1524, he and his brother Olaus Magnus due to the Reformation into exile. They traveled to Rome to later settle in Gdansk. 1537 that Pope Paul III. Johannes Magnus to Mantua, where a reform council was to be held. It was a short time later moved Vicanza, came about in the end, however, not be established. The brothers Magnus came under ad interim at the Patriarch of Venice Jerome Quirinius and devoted themselves to the study of cartography and there history. On intervention of his mentor Johannes Magnus Quirinius was legate "a latere " to restore the Roman Catholic. Be appointed faith in Sweden, Denmark and Norway, but this failed after Garstein the resistance of a part of the College of Cardinals. His last years were spent Johannes Magnus in Rome, where he died on March 22, 1544.

It was not until 1554 his work Historia de omnibus Gothorum Sueonumque Regibus was issued. He also wrote the Historia Ecclesiae metropolitanae Upsalensis, a history of the Archdiocese of Uppsala.

