Johannes P. M. van der Ploeg

Johannes Petrus Maria van der Ploeg ( born July 4, 1909 in Nijmegen, † August 4, 2004 ) was a Dutch Catholic theologian ( Old Testament ) and Dominican father.


Van der Ploeg came in 1926 in the Dominican Order one. After studying theology and philosophy in Zwolle, Saulchoir and at the Angelicum in Rome, he was ordained a priest in 1932. The doctorate in theology. took place in 1934, that Dr. S. Scripturae 1946. During a stay at the École française de biblique et Archaeological Jérusalem in 1947 he came in contact with the first scrolls from the Dead Sea. However, he recognized a role as a manuscript of the Book of Isaiah, held for medieval and therefore worthless. Only later reversed this position and van der Ploeg published to the Dead Sea Scrolls. In 1951 he became professor of Old Testament, Hebrew, and Syriac at the Catholic University of Nijmegen as successor Bernard January Alfrinks. From 1960 to 1961 he was rector magnificus of the university. Later, van der Ploeg dealt intensively with Christianity in South India. The Syriac Catholic Church appointed him in 1963 to the choir bishop. Van der Ploeg was retired in 1979. On his 70th birthday in 1982 his Festschrift From Canaan to Kerala ( AOAT 211) (ed. WC Delsman inter alia, Kevelaer inter alia: Butzon Bercker et al 1982) was dedicated. Ecclesiastical van der Ploeg was set conservatively and was particularly hostile to the Dutch Catechism. It is also known its resulting controversy with the dogmatists Edward Schillebeeckx.


  • Honorary Doctor of the Institute for Syrian studies in India ( 1997)
  • Choir Bishop of the Syriac Catholic Church ( 1963)


  • Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences
  • Pontificia Accademia Romana Theologica (1980 )

Monographs (selection)

  • Finds in the wilderness of Judah: The Scrolls from the Dead Sea and the Brotherhood of Qumrân. Cologne: . Bachem 1959 [ translation of the original from 1957 ]
  • Le Rouleau de la guerre: traduit et annote avec une introduction. Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah 2 Leiden: Brill 1959.
  • Le Targum de la grotte de job 11 de Qumran (11 QtgJob ). Amsterdam: Noord- Hollandse Uitg. Maatschappij 1962.