Johannes Ronge

Johannes Ronge ( born October 16, 1813 in Bischofswalde ( Biskupów ) in goats neck, County Neisse, Upper Silesia, † October 26, 1887 in Vienna, Austria - Hungary ) was a German Catholic priest who essentially free Religious establishing the Federal municipalities contributed and as founder of German Catholicism is true.


Ronge studied at the University of Breslau, where he was a member of the 1837 Breslauer fraternity Teutonia. During the period of political Vormarz the Roman Catholic Church moved into Germany, the rising Ultramontanism. From 1840 to 1843 Ronge Kaplan was in Grottkau, where he wrote the essay "Rome and the Breslau cathedral chapter " that led to his ouster. In the fall of 1844, he wrote an open letter to Wilhelm Arnoldi, Bishop of Trier, Trier against the Pilgrimage of 1844, the exhibition of the skirt of Christ, a relic, what Ronge denounced as idolatrous feast. This letter, an Open missive was published in the edited by Robert Blum Saxon homeland leaves. This article was copied and distributed thousands of times, after which the Catholic Church excommunicated Ronge in the same year.

In January 1845 Ronge then called in Laurahütte / Upper Silesia establishing a new " romfreien " church, which was in March 1845 the name of German Catholics. At their Synod 1847 259 communities were represented. This new reform movement was welcomed by liberal Protestantism, later there should be a connection between the two elements of reform, then the free religious movement called.

1848 took part in the Frankfurt Pre-Parliament Ronge and was there for the radical democratic wing. Because of his public criticism of the Prussian king, he had to emigrate to England in 1849, where he in 1851 Bertha Traun, nee Meyer married in a civil ceremony. In 1852 he founded the Humane religious community in London. After an amnesty he could return to Germany in 1861, campaigned for the creation of a liberal national church and also tried the Jewish Reform congregations for the idea of ​​a general freedom of religion in Germany to win. Ronge was a member of the Freemasonry.


  • Rome and the Wrocław Cathedral Chapter, 1843
  • Judgment of a Catholic priest on the sacred rock to Trier. Bagel, Wesel 1844 ( Digitized edition of the University and State Library Dusseldorf )
  • The Reformation of the 19th Century, London, 1852
  • The national movement and the religious reform, Frankfurt / Main, 1862
  • New religious reform, organ of the German Reform Association for the promotion of free Protestant communities respectively. the free national church, kindergartens, schools, continuation schools magazine from 1864
  • Religious book for the instruction of youth in family and school in the free religious, German Catholic and Protestant communities freely, Darmstadt, 1882