John II, Duke of Mecklenburg-Stargard

John II, Duke of Mecklenburg [- Stargard ] ( * before 1370, † zw July 6 and October 9, 1416 ) was from 1392/1393-1416 Duke of Mecklenburg, since 1408, from Lord to Stargard, Sternberg, Friedland, Furstenberg and Lychen.


He was the eldest child of the third marriage of the Duke Johann I, and his wife Agnes.


John II was probably born before 1370 and reigned only together with his brother Ulrich I. and Albrecht I. († 1397 ).

He supported his cousin Albrecht III. in enforcing its rights as a Swedish king. He acted here probably as a leader of the brothers Vitali.

" The Germans had 900 shooters; the leader said Enis, a German, Relative Albrecht; another was called ' Maekingborg ', also a relative of Albrecht. "

Very likely it was at that " Maekingborg " to the John II, and " Enis " by Johann IV von Schwerin ..

In 1408, he shared with his brother Ulrich the country and got Sternberg, Friedland, Furstenberg and Lychen. The former he made his residence. He is buried in Sternberg, where he 's probably dead. He was married to Katharine ( Wilheida ), daughter of Grand Duke Algirdas ( Olgierd ) of Lithuania, whom he married in 1388.



  • Family tree of the House of Mecklenburg


  • House of Mecklenburg
  • Duke (Mecklenburg)
  • Born in the 14th century
  • Died in 1416
  • Man