John Myers Myers

John Myers Myers ( born January 11, 1906 in Northport (New York ), † 30 October 1988) was an American author of fantasy and western novels.


John Myers Myers grew up in Long Iceland and studied at the University of New Mexico. There he was expelled after a short time, when it was revealed that he had written lyrics for a rebellious sheet called The Pariah. This was followed by extensive travel through the States and Europe, where he also worked as a correspondent for the New York World and the San Antonio Evening News. He also worked as a copywriter and served briefly in the U.S. Army during the Second World War. In 1943 he married and lived since 1948 in Tempe (Arizona ).


Myers Myers ' most famous work is the fantasy novel Silverlock (Eng. The island Literaria ) is. It discovers a shipwrecked on the island Commonwealth Of Letters figures from history, fairy tales and legends: Each character of the book - except the hero gestrandenen A. Clarence Shandon - is derived from another literary work. The novel was reprinted again and again. With the sequel, The Moon 's Fire -Eating Daughter, the author was still thirty years time. In addition, Myers Myers made ​​a name for himself as an expert in the Wild West, he wrote both nonfiction on the subject as well as Western novels.


