John of Cappadocia

John II Kappadokes (* in Cappadocia, † in February 520 in Constantinople Opel ) was Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Opel, and is a saint of the Orthodox Churches.

John was born in Cappadocia. Under the Patriarch of Constantinople Opel Timotheos I, he was a priest and adviser. 518, after the Synod of Constantinople Opel, he was appointed the successor Timotheos '. John negotiated with the Pope of Rome, Hormisdas, over the akakianische schism of 484 /485, on the basis of a letter of the pope from the year 515 ( formula Hormisdae ). John took this letter to 519, and sent it easily changed back to Rome, where he stressed the unity of the two Churches in terms of since four ecumenical councils (Council of Chalcedon in 451, and others), and condemned Nestorianism. Thus the schism was ended and united the Churches of Rome and Constantinople Opel again.

In the Orthodox Church he is a saint, his feast day is August 25.
