John Toland (author)

John Willard Toland ( born June 29, 1912 in La Crosse, Wisconsin, † January 4, 2004 in Danbury, Connecticut) was an American historian and writer.


He wrote a number of works in which he mostly tried almost bring historical facts to tell exciting way and sacrificing too profound, scientific analyzes. 1971 Toland, was honored for his book The Rising Sun, in which he describes the development of Japan 1936-1945 from the Japanese perspective with the Pulitzer Prize. He gained particular notoriety with his two-volume biography of Adolf Hitler in 1976 But he got excellent reviews. ; the two volumes were classified as very worth reading. He also wrote two historical novels.


  • Adolf Hitler Biography 1889-1945. Luebbe, Bergisch Gladbach 1977, ISBN 3-7857-0207-8.
  • Adolf Hitler Biography 1889-1938, Volume 1 Luebbe, Bergisch Gladbach 1977, ISBN 3-404-61063-6
  • Adolf Hitler Biography 1938-1945, Volume 2 Luebbe, Bergisch Gladbach 1977, ISBN 3-404-61064-4