Joseph Banchong Aribarg

Joseph Banchong Aribarg ( born May 27, 1927 in Chanthaburi, Thailand, † September 1, 2012 ) was Roman Catholic Bishop of Nakhon Sawan.


Joseph Banchong Aribarg received on 22 December 1956 was ordained a priest. He was rector of the Sacred Heart University and a professor at Georgetown University.

Pope Paul VI. appointed him on 24 May 1976 for the Bishop of Nakhon Sawan. He received his episcopal consecration of the Archbishop of Bangkok, Michael Mihai Kitbunchu on July 12, 1976 Were co-consecrators Michel -Auguste -Marie Langer MEP, Bishop Emeritus of Nakhon Sawan, and Robert Ratna Bamrungtrakul, Bishop of Chiang Mai. His episcopal motto was Ubi caritas et amor Deus ibi est ("where love and kindness [ is ], there is God ").

He was 1982-1985 President of the Bishops' Conference of Thailand.

His resignation was accepted on 5 November 1998 by John Paul II.
