Journal of International Economics

The Journal of International Economics is an economics journal, which is focused on international economics and is published by the Dutch publisher Elsevier with two issues per trimester. The Journal of International Economics is one of the most prestigious academic journals in economics.


The Journal of International Economics was first published in 1971 by North - Holland Publishing Co., said Jagdish Bhagwati (MIT) Chief Editor and John S. Chipman ( University of Minnesota ) and Harry Gordon Johnson ( University of Chicago) Co - editors were. The aim of the founding of the magazine was to make the Journal of International Economics for the main publication channel for research in the field of international economics. From its inception until 1982, the magazine was published initially with four issues published annually in a band, from 1982 to 2001 with two issues in a biannual band and since 2001 with two editions in one volume, published each trimester.


The Journal of International Economics is intended to serve as a platform for the publication of theoretical and empirical research in all fields of international economics. These include, among other things, the structure of international trade, trade policy, international institutions, exchange rates, macroeconomics of open economies, international finance and international factor mobility. The Journal of International Economics particularly encourages the submission of articles that are empirical in nature or dealing with topics of macroeconomics, open economy and international finance.

Theoretical studies that are submitted should be original in its motivation and model structure. Empirical analysis should have a theoretical framework for the foundation and be reproducible. It is expected that all of the materials necessary for the replication (for example, computer programs or data ) are available to the authors go on request.


The editors of the Journal of International Economics consists of the two chief editors Charles Engel ( University of Wisconsin -Madison ) and Robert Staiger ( University of Wisconsin -Madison ), nine co- editors, a literary reviewers and 43 Associate Editors.


In a study of Kalaitzidakis et al. (2003) documented the Journal of International Economics, number 30 of 159 evaluated publications, but could be in an updated study of Kalaitzidakis et al. (2011) increase in 12th place of 209 compared publications. In economics publication ranking of the Tinbergen Institute at the University of Amsterdam is performed, the Journal of International Economics in category A ("very good general economics journals and top journals in their field ").

The Impact Factor of the Journal of International Economics was in 2012 at 2,086. In the statistics of the Social Sciences Citation Index, the journal impact factor with this at 41 instead of 333 journals in the category of Economics has been conducted.
