Juniperus communis

Common juniper (Juniperus communis)

The common juniper (Juniperus communis), also Heide- juniper ( common names: almond tree, cranes Witt tree, Reckholder, incense tree, fire tree ) is a flowering plant that belongs to the genus juniper from the family of the cypress family ( Cupressaceae ).

Common names

Since the common juniper is widespread and very characteristic, it has a variety of names, some of which relate to its use, characteristics or location in the dialects. A selection of these names: Quick Holder, Reckholder, Kranawitterstrauch, Krammetsbaum, Kaddig, cranes Witt, Kronabit, Juniper, Juniper Tree, almond tree, Jochandel, Räucherstrauch, wax Andel, quail berry bush, fire tree.


At the Christmas holidays branches were tacked on barn doors to keep Druden and witches. The common juniper was the Tree of the Year 2002.


The common juniper grows as an upright to creeping shrub or small tree heights up to 12 meters, reached a maximum of 18.5 meters and trunk diameter of 0.9 meters and a deep root system develops. It can be up to 600 years old. The tribe has a gray to reddish brown bark. The juniper is usually a narrow cone-shaped to oval crown. The needle-like leaves sitting on a joint at the branch. The three of us arranged in whorls needles are sharp and pungent 1 to 2 inches long. Their tops have bright Stomatastreifen and wax strips.

The common juniper is dioecious getrenntgeschlechtig ( dioecious ), rarely monoecious ( monoecious ). Male specimens can be readily seen by the yellowish flowers bloom from April to June. The cones have a stalk and are applied in the fall. Female cones are composed of three cone scales. Each seed scale carries only one ovule. The ovules are only accessible from above. The seed scales fused later with the bracts and are fleshy. The development of the ripe berry -like cones lasts 3 years. In the first year after pollination, the pin is still green, the third year it is finally black-brown, bluish pruinose ( waxy layer ). The woody seeds are 4-5 mm in size with bone- hard shell.

In contrast to most other conifers, it forms only two seed leaves ( cotyledons ).


The Heide- juniper has a Ringelborke. The needles are sharply pointed ( corrosion protection, condensation point for rain water, drought adaptation ). He is a deep-rooting with root fungus.

It is wind-pollinated by the " Immovable type". The pollen is blown out from the bracts. It is spread through the digestive Fieldfare ( also: thrushes ), blackbirds and grouse instead.


The common juniper is the most widespread conifers, at least if one subspecies or varieties involving. The distribution area of the commons juniper extends within the biogeographic region of the Holarctic from North America to South Greenland, North Africa, Europe, Middle East, North Asia and Central Asia to East Asia. Even in the northern border regions of South Asia, he is found and settled with his seven varieties of habitats up to 4,050 m altitude.

Compared to other woods of common juniper is very competitive weak, so that it is displaced on dry, sandy, rocky sites or bogs. The holdings in Germany are usually secondary caused by grazing, as the juniper is not dogged by livestock (for example, Lüneburg Heath or Swabian Alb).

You can find the Heide- juniper quite often on sunny rough grazing, on rocks and in open woods. He prefers rather dry, usually base -rich, often calcareous soils. He is a light plant.


The common juniper (Juniperus communis) is performed within the genus Juniperus in the same section Juniperus. Sometimes the section is referred to as a subgenus. As regards the provision allowing Arten-/Unterarten- or Varietäteneigenschaft are still partly scientific discussions in progress. Here is essentially the views of R. P. Adams followed, including the nominate of seven different varieties:

  • Juniperus communis L. var communis is widespread from western Asia Iran over the Caucasian regions to Russian Siberia. This variety is also found in almost all European countries.
  • Juniperus communis L. var charlottensis R. P. Adams is endemic to the Canadian archipelago Haida Gwaii
  • Canadian juniper (Juniperus communis L. var depressa Pursh ) is sometimes also called subsp subspecies Juniperus communis L.. depressa ( Pursh ) Franco seen. This variety is common in North America, namely, across Canada and in over 30 states across the United States. They are found at altitudes 0-2800 meters.
  • Juniperus communis L. var jackii Rehder is a North American variety
  • Juniperus communis L. var megistocarpa Fernald & H.St.John can only be found in the Canadian provinces of Quebec, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland at altitudes between 0 and 500 meters
  • Juniperus communis L. var nipponica ( Maxim. ) EHWilson with occurrence on the Japanese islands of Hokkaido and Honshu
  • Called Alpine juniper, and dwarf juniper (Juniperus communis L. var saxatilis ) Pall. He has an extremely wide distribution area from Europe to West Asia, northern Asia in Siberia and the Russian Far East, through the Caucasus region, Central Asia in the Far East Asia with Mongolia and China, to the northernmost parts of the Indian subcontinent. Furthermore, it is found in the western regions of North America and Greenland.

Threats and conservation measures

Juniperus communis is led by the World Conservation Union IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, but not designated as endangered ( "Least Concern" ).

In the Red List of Switzerland the common juniper Juniperus communis s.str. , Juniperus communis subsp be. nana var as a synonym for the Alps - juniper and dwarf juniper Juniperus communis saxatilis listed and described as not threatened ( LC).

With the Fauna-Flora -Habitat Directive Nr.92/43/EWG in the updated version of 1 January 2007, the European Union ( the Habitats Directive ) Annex 1 are protected areas for the following types of habitat to which they belong juniper species, called:

  • Coastal dunes with juniper species Juniperus spp. - The Inschutzstellung these habitats is required as a priority by zuführend
  • Lawn and formations of the commons juniper Juniperus communis on heaths or calcareous
  • Tree -shaped Hartlaub thickets ( matorral ) with juniper species Juniperus spp.
  • Endemic forests with juniper species Juniperus spp. - The Inschutzstellung these habitats is regarded as a matter of priority.

On the North American continent, the U.S., the juniper species Juniperus communis L. via different states in general, and Juniperus communis L. var depressa as endangered and protected species.

Importance as a forage crop (selection)

The caterpillars of the following butterflies are dependent on the plant as a food source.


There have been several varieties bred for use as ornamental plants, of which the following are some are called:

  • ' Compressa ': This upright growing dwarf is high to 75 inches and carries a silvery foliage. It is suitable for rock gardens.
  • ' Depressa aurea ': This dwarf is about 60 inches high and up to 2 meters wide; their foliage is bronze.
  • ' Hibernica ': This form is 3 to 4.5 meters high; it grows initially columnar, later increasingly wider and slightly conical.
  • ' Hornibrookii ': Growing as a low -lying shrub is rarely higher than 25 inches, but up to 1 meter wide She wears a gray- green foliage.



The common juniper is a heartwood tree. The relatively wide sapwood has a bright yellow color. The heartwood is reddish brown. The average bulk density is 0.55 g / cm ³. The wood is weather resistant to a high degree and a pleasant fragrance. Since it is usually present only in small dimensions, it is used for the production of small furniture, woodturning and carving.

The common juniper is often used as an ornamental shrub, for example, in cemeteries. For use as an ornamental shrub, there are many garden forms that differ in plant height, growth form, and even in the color of the needles.


  • Spice: Juniper berries are an important spice in many European cuisines, particularly in the Alpine countries, where it grows abundantly. He is the only example of a spice in the group of conifers ( coniferae ), and also one of the few spices from temperate to cold climate, though the best quality from Southern European countries. Juniper is widely used in the traditional cuisine of Central Europe, eg for the specialty sauerkraut. Preparation, fresh cabbage ( cabbage ) is subjected to lactic acid fermentation together with spices ( juniper, cumin and a few bay leaves) and thereby preserved. However, the main use of juniper are meat dishes; particularly for venison he is indispensable. He gets along well with pepper, marjoram and bay leaves or fruits. Juniper berries, which are actually cones, should be crushed immediately before use.
  • Gin: Fermented or an extract deliver the fruits of gin ( for example Bergila, Borovička, geneva, Genièvre, gin, Köhm cranes Witter, Krambambuli, PEQUET, Steinhäger ).


Juniper berries and needles is attributed to a slight toxicity, which is why people with kidney failure and even pregnant women is not recommended the use of juniper, eg as a spice. Berries contain at least 1% essential oil which has as main components alpha-and beta -pinene, and terpinen-4 -ol. Alpha -pinene has a skin irritant and circulation -enhancing effect, terpinen- 4-ol diuretic. It is recommended for internal use in connection with dyspeptic symptoms or as a diuretic, to fall back on oils without pinene. If the drug is used properly, kidney irritation are not to be feared.

Risk also exists due to confusion or contamination of juniper berries with those of the highly toxic Sadebaums (Juniperus sabina ). So contaminated juniper berries were, for example, in the past repeatedly with juniper berries used to flavor gin, why juniper berries, at least in Spain, are regularly examined by the state.

Medicinal use

  • Bathwater additive increases the blood circulation
  • Wacholdertee: One tablespoon of crushed berries in a cup of boiling water, strain after ten minutes.
  • Juniper wine: 50 Crush berries in 1 liter of wine pour and leave for one week; pass through a sieve and squeeze the berries. Helps to relieve rheumatism.
  • Juniper berry oil ( Aetheroleum Juniperi ), you can win by steam distillation of dried ripe juniper berries.

The main components are the hydrocarbons α -pinene, sabinene and myrcene. Prepared Slides with juniper berry oil and teas from the dried ripe berry cones have a diuretic effect. This effect is mainly due to the ingredient terpinen-4 -ol. An overdose can cause irritation of the kidney. Juniper oil is also found as an ingredient in liniments, ointments and liniments. The irritant properties of the α - pinene lead to improved blood circulation. But even this can cause allergic reactions ( contact dermatitis). Juniper Berry Essential Oil shows in studies of antimicrobial and antifungal as well as an inhibitory effect on verschiedeneauf mycobacteria, extracts of Juniperus communis showed anti- progesterone effects

Warning: juniper preparations are contraindicated in renal disease and during pregnancy!


Habitus in the Lüneburg Heath.

Branch with needles.

Branches with berry -like cones.

