K. P. H. Notoprojo

KRT Wasitodiningrat ( Pak Cocro, born March 17, 1909 in Gunung ketur, Yogyakarta, † August 30 2007 in Yogyakarta ) was an Indonesian gamelan musicians.

Wasitodiningrat was born Cokrowasito ( Tjokrowasito ), of which the name Pak Cokro is derived, under which he was known in the U.S.. Since the 1960s, he was called KRT Wasitodipuro ( Kanjeng Raden Tumenggung Wasitodipuro ), later he received the honorary title KRT Wasitodiningrat. After he was recognized in 2001 as a legitimate son of Paku Alam VII ( and half-brother Paku Alam VIII ), he was called KPH Notoprojo ( Kanjeng Pangeran Haryo Notoprojo ).

Had Wasitodiningrat first lessons from his father RW Padmowinangum, who led the Puro Pakualaman Karawitan group. He learned next to Karawitan, singing to the accompaniment a gamelan orchestra and the classical court dances. In the 1930s, he founded his own group Karawitan namans Mardiwiromo with which he was known outside of Yogyakarta.

He was then on Karawitan seminar at Puro Mangkunagaran in Surakarta, worked for the Indonesian Broadcasting and taught Kariwatan, composition and dance. Since 1953 he taught Karawitan in the United States, various European countries, Egypt, Ethiopia and Chile.

In 1970 he settled in the U.S., where he taught until 1992 at the California Institute of The Arts, San Diego State University and the Berkeley State University. In 1997 he returned to Yogyakarta, where he devoted himself to the further promotion of Karawitan and gamelan. He composed more than two hundred gamelan works.
