Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji

Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji ( born August 14, 1892 in Chingford, Essex; † 15 October 1988) was a British composer, pianist and music critic Parsi origin.

The works of Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji characterized by great stylistic autonomy, added often come gigantic temporal dimensions and extreme gaming technical requirements. Much space is a piano music, which has now also been performed by renowned artists such as John Ogdon, Marc- André Hamelin, Geoffrey Douglas Madge, Yonty Solomon, Donna Amato, Michael Habermann, Fredrik Ullén, Soheil Nasseri, or in recent times by Jonathan Powell. His best-known work today is the 1929/30, resulting, about four and a half hours long Opus clavicembalisticum.

Sorabji was a life-long musical outsider. Even after his death the artistic value of his work remained controversial, however the originality of his artistic approach as well as his highly developed craftsmanship is increasingly recognized.
