Karin Stoltenberg

Karin Stoltenberg, born Heiberg ( born November 23, 1931October 17, 2012 ) was a geneticist and a Norwegian social democratic politician. She was State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade and Shipping 1986-1987 and the Ministry of Economy from 1988 to 1989 and Head of Department at Children's and Family Ministry.

As Ministerialbeamtin Karin Stoltenberg took significant impact on the Norwegian family policy, which developed from the 1970s. She wrote, inter alia, a groundbreaking Memorandum for the Parliament, which had the woman's right to self-determined abortion to the destination. In addition, it is one of the pioneers of progressive equality and partnership law.

She was married to Thorvald Stoltenberg since 1957 and the mother of the politician Jens Stoltenberg.
