
58.73055623.995Koordinaten: 58 ° 44 'N, 24 ° 0' O

Kasari ( German Kasargen ) is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Martna ( Martna vald ) in Lääne in Estonia.

Population and location

The village has 49 inhabitants ( 31 December 2011). It is located on the lower reaches of the river of the same name ( Kasari Jõgi ).

In the village led an old bridge over the river. It was in 1904 replaced by a reinforced concrete bridge. This was on its completion of 308 meters, the world's longest of its kind

Best of Kasari

In the 16th century, before the Livonian War, the bishop Kiwiszell arose. From him the manor spot Rien later developed.

The name of the estate ( and the river ) is derived from its then owner Kasari ( Kasjan ) Baranoff from († 1648). Baranoff was a Tatar army leader who had gone over to the Swedish troops. King John III. gave him in 1590 the estate.

Until 1842, the estate was owned by the Baranoff family. Last private owner before the expropriation in the course of the Estonian land reform in 1919 was the Baltic German nobility and lawyer Alexander von Bodisco ( 1861-1923 ).
