Kastellet, Copenhagen

The castle of Copenhagen is a 1667 finished fortress in the north- east of the city of Copenhagen in Denmark.


Built for the ideal design of Pietro Cataneo castle occupies the site of an under King Christian IV in 1625 at the harbor entrance erected jump. Due to the loss of the land east of the Sound in 1658 the hill gained increased strategic importance. The contract to build was given to the Dutch Henrik Ruse, who had previously worked on the development of the fortress Harburg. The expansion was completed in 1667, but in the result, there were repeated conversions. 1892 the eastern part of the fortress to the city of Copenhagen was ceded that made build a road and a railway line through the castle. After 1945, extensive renovations were carried out.


Built in the form of an almost regular pentagon within a system of moats system, the five bastions Kongens Bastion, Dronningens Bastion, Prinsens Bastion, Prins interest Bastion and Grevens Bastion, several upstream ravelins ( Wall Shield ) and lock Garden [A 1]; access is via the gate Sjaellandsporten, and the scale of Lambert van Haven Norwegian Tor ( Norge sports ) ( Kongeporten with a bust of King Frederik III of François Dusart. ). Inside are the Commander's House ( Kommandantbolig ) by Elias David Haeusser from 1725, which is designed as a rectangular hall church with a wooden barrel in the center axis of the system, the immediately following prison and symmetrically arranged barracks and magazines. On Kongens Bastion a windmill was built.
