Kentucky Route 2014 Bridge

36.792254686701 - 83.742997673578Koordinaten: 36 ° 47 ' 32.1 "N, 83 ° 44' 34.8 " W


Kentucky Route 2014 ( einstreifig )

The Kentucky Route 2014 Bridge is a truss bridge of wood over the Cumberland River at Pineville in Bell County ( Kentucky). The bridge is a Warren truss bridge and one of the early applications of this construction method. It was built in 1873 by a collaboration of the Louisville Bridge and Iron Company with the Phoenix Iron Company of Pennsylvania and is currently maintained by the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. The clear height is 6.9 m and the load capacity is 15 U.S. tons. The building performs a einstreifige road across the river.


The Kentucky Route 2014 Bridge has been largely built by the Louisville Bridge and Iron Company of Louisville in Kentucky, only the 1862 patented "Iron Phoenix " bridge piers were installed by the Phoenix Iron Company of Philadelphia. The bridge was a time not more secure, but is now proposed for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. It was one of the two bridges, which has the Louisville Bridge and Iron Company built in Kentucky. As the building was built in 1873, it proved to be a prime example of his manner of construction.

The building is in operation continuously since its construction and serves the residents of the rural areas around Pineville. In a study, the building reached 38.3 points out of 100, thus deemed structurally inadequate. Many of the 70 historic bridges in Kentucky are Pratt or Warren truss structures.


The Kentucky Route 2014 Bridge is located about five kilometers north-west of Pineville and spans the Cumberland River. The span of the bridge measures 63 meters, all in all, the building has a length of 100 m. Three I- beams support the southern driveway, while the north is supported by only two such components.

The passage width is 4.5 m, the vertical clearance of 5.9 m.
