Kentwood (Louisiana)

Tangipahoa Parish


Kentwood is a small town in Tangipahoa Parish in the U.S. state of Louisiana and is about 50 kilometers north of New Orleans.


According to the census of 2000, the population is 2,205, of which 44.5 % men and 55.5 % women. The average age of the people of Kentwood is 33.5 years. 64.9 % of residents are African American and 34.4 % White. The average annual income per household is $ 17,297 with far below the U.S. average ( $ 41,994 ). Approximately 37.6 % of the population live below the poverty line. Thus, the share of the poor is much higher than the U.S. average (12.4%).

Memorable people

  • Paul Gayten, rhythm & blues pianist, songwriter and producer
  • Little Brother Montgomery, African-American blues and jazz pianist and singer
  • Britney Spears, pop singer, raised in Kentwood