Khinalug language

Spoken in

  • Northeast Caucasian languages Chinalugisch

The Chinalug (h ) ic (proper name: [ ketʃ mits ] or [ kaʕtʃ mits ] ) is spoken by about 3,000 people in Azerbaijan, especially in the villages Xınalıq ( in whose name the term " Chinalugisch " back ) and Gülüstan. It belongs to the Northeast Caucasian languages ​​and is attributed by some researchers of lesgischen subset of this language family.

Linguistic situation

Chinalugisch is threatened with extinction, as it is under strong pressure to assimilate on the part of Azerbaijan.

Linguistic characteristics

The vowel system of Chinalugischen includes the vowels a, e, i, ɨ, o, u, ä, ö, ü, which are also nasalized.

The Chinalugische has 4 noun classes and 16 case, including 12 locatives; it is a Ergativsprache.
