
The Kickxellomycotina are one only in 2007 first described subdivision of fungi that includes several orders of former Jochpilze.


There are saprobiontisch living fungi or mycoparasites or obligate symbionts. The thallus arises from attachment to other fungi, which is designed as a haustorium. Apart from the thallus branched, septate hyphae can be formed. The mycelium is branched or unbranched, and regularly septate. The septa have disc-shaped cavities with spacers.

Asexual reproduction occurs via one or zweisporige Merosporangien, Trichosporen or arthrospores. Sexual reproduction occurs by round or biconical zygospores.


The Kickxellomycotina include some of the earlier orders Jochpilze. These are currently considered not valid taxon publicized, they are also polyphyletic. Therefore the Jochpilze were resolved in the current classification of fungi.

  • Order Kickxellales
  • Order Dimargaritales
  • Order Harpellales: formerly known as Trichomycetes. After Hibbett et al. this name should be used only for the ecological group, not for the already polyphyletic taxon.
  • Order Asellariales