Kim Ryeo-ryeong

Ryo - Ryong Kim (born 1971 in Seoul) is a South Korean writer.


Ryo - Ryong Kim was born in 1971 in Seoul. She grew up in both her ​​maternal grandmother as well as in her great-grandmother on the paternal side in Seoul and Daejeon, what they coined strong. In her childhood, which she spent in a small village, it was to be her dream, teacher and police officer because she was fascinated by her own teacher, who seemed to know everything and did everything for them. Your desire to go once in a police car was so great that she once even pretended she did not know the way home. The police officer at the police station gave Kim and her friends something to eat, listened patiently to her story and drove them into the police car home. This special experience seemed Kim in her portrayal of selfless adults to inspire as characters who give unreservedly the young characters hearing how this person saw, for example, the security guard in Have you time? ( 그 사람 을 본 적이 있나요 ) Oh uncle in the elegant lie ( 우아한 거짓말 ) and the Mister Director in Wandŭk ( 완득 이 ).

During her baccalaureate Kim looked a film from Hong Kong, and shortly thereafter she went to work with her friends in a kung-fu fighting school. This tick held about a year but it helped on its experience their bestsellers Wandŭk to write, which is among other things a kickboxing school. Kim presented in this story the behavior and the psychological state of a teenager is so realistic that some readers felt that a seventeen year old boy living in the heart of the author. You also helped by the fact that they and their comrades from the Kung Fu school, teaching Kickboxing Champion were later maintained the friendship.

My desire was indeed to study literature, but they had to grow up, get married and have two children before this wish fulfilled with over thirty years. She attended the creative writing department of the Seoul Institute of Art. She started her career as a writer, although relatively late, but wrote all the more unreserved. Having brought two children into the world, there was nothing that scared her, and at thirty-five, there was nothing more that they could shock. Kim had the habit to take notes whenever they heard a strange dialogue or someone met who behaved erratically. This habit has become a useful tool for the late start of her career. Unlike other children's stories always emerge in their stories to a large number of characters, all of which have distinctive and unique character traits.

In college she began to write works after they met on the children's book author Hwang SON -mi as a lecturer. She took the degree in 2006 and wrote in the same year three stories, for which she was rewarded with awards.

Work (excerpt)


  • 파란 아이 The Blue Child ( 2013) ISBN 978-89-364-5650-4
  • 가시 고백 confession with thorns (2012 ) ISBN 978-89-491-2326-4
  • 그 사람 을 본 적이 있나요? Have you seen this person time? (2011) ISBN 978-89-546-1574-7
  • 우아한 거짓말 The elegant Lie ( 2009) ISBN 978-89-364-5622-1
  • 천둥 치던 날 on which it thundered The Day (2009) ISBN 978-89-320-1986-4
  • 완득 이 Wandŭk () ISBN 978-89-364-3363-5
  • 요란 요란 푸른 아파트 The loud, green Apartment ( 2008) ISBN 978-89-320-1902-4
  • 내 가슴 에 해마 가 산다 In my heart a seahorse lives (2007) ISBN 978-89-546-0404-8
  • 기억 을 가져온 아이 The child that memories brought with him (2007) ISBN 978-89-320-1779-2


  • 우아한 거짓말 The elegant Lie ( 2013)
  • 완득 이 Wandŭk (2011)


  • 2007 - 제 1 회 창비 청소년 문학상 ( '' 1 Ch'angbi Literature Prize for Youth Literature '')
  • 2007 - 제 3 회 마해송 문학상 ( '' 3 Man Hae -song literature price '')
  • 2007 - 제 8 회 문학 동네 어린이 문학상 대상 ( '' 8 Munhak Togne Literary Award for Children's Literature '')