Kjell Holler

Kjell Torbjørn Holler ( born June 29, 1925 in Rjukan, Telemark, † 1 November 2000) was a Norwegian economist and politician of Arbeiderpartiet.

Holler was industry minister Einar Gerhardsens third government (April 9, 1959 - August 28, 1963 ). In 1963, the Kings Bay Affair of the most important revolutions in Norwegian politics in the postwar period. Holler were made as industry minister serious charges in connection with coal mining disasters in Ny- Ålesund. Even before that Holler had come to a circle strafing because the Koksverk Norsk A / S, which had been established at his suggestion and should further process the mined on Svalbard coal into coke and ammonia, has experienced massive budget overruns. Holler resigned on 4 July 1963 28 August of the same year had the whole third government Gerhardsens after losing a motion of no confidence in the Storting for the Kings Bay Affair resign. In the fourth government Gerhardsens Holler was no longer a member.

After his resignation Holler worked in a managerial capacity for Televerket until 1991. Besides he was active in various committees, most recently in the Norwegian Refugee Council.


  • Norske Sivilingeniørers Forenings gold medal
  • Olav's Order, Commander ( 1989).


  • Automatisering. Spøkelse eller realitet? (1957).