Klaus Tschira Foundation

(KTS )

No chair indicated

The Klaus Tschira Foundation (KTS ) is a German Foundation for the Advancement of Science, Mathematics and computer science (collectively often called " STEM subjects "). It was founded in 1995 by the physicist Klaus Tschira until today (April 2012) directed by him, is based in the Villa Bosch in Heidelberg and is one of the largest charitable foundations in Europe, which was equipped with private funds.

  • 3.1 Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies
  • 3.2 Klaus Tschira laboratory
  • 4.1 Klaus Tschira Award for Public Understanding of Science - plain text!
  • 4.2 National Institute of Science Communication ( NaWik )


The Klaus Tschira Foundation ( KTS short ) aims to support kindergartens, schools, universities and research institutions in the development and understandable and graphic presentation of research results. Goals are to awaken early fascination for science to do research for society and represent science for the layman. In addition, projects will be funded at the request corresponding to the foundation's purpose and their application will be assessed positively. The Foundation is committed accordingly in the three main areas:

  • Fascination with the natural sciences,
  • Research for society and
  • Public Understanding of Science.

In 2013, the Klaus Tschira Foundation established the foundation in Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation ( HLFF ). The HLFF organizes the annual Heidelberg Laureate Forum ( HLF), make the most important scientists in their specialist area in which selected young researchers in mathematics and computer science in Heidelberg.

With the international peace prize Dresden Prize, the foundation honors outstanding achievements against conflicts, violence and escalations.

Fascination with science

The KTS will give impetus to stimulate the enthusiasm and curiosity of adolescents for natural phenomena.

Researchers station

The researchers Station is the Klaus Tschira center of excellence for early science education. It trains teachers is to understand natural phenomena from everyday life and to create a space in which children can discover this independently and playful. This holistic approach is to create an enthusiasm for science. As an institution of the University of Education Heidelberg researchers tracked the station by supporting research and scientific issues, such as the effect of training on the competence development of teachers or the learning processes of children in the context of early scientific promotion.

GIS station

The GIS station, Klaus Tschira competence center for digital geomedia, offers educational programs on the topics of remote sensing, geographic information systems, or GPS. Thus, it aims to promote the skills of teachers and students in the use of digital geomedia. Digital geomedia should help students to explore the earth and facets of global change accurately. Scientific support is provided by the University of Education Heidelberg.

Explore Science

' Explore Science ' hot the scientific adventure days which are organized annually by the KTS Luis Park in Mannheim since 2006. With student competitions, experimental lectures and hands-on exhibitions kindergarten children, students, teachers and parents can go to scientific discovery. Explore Science is organized every year under a new scientific focus topic. Previous topics were mathematics (2012 ), optics (2011), Acoustics ( 2010), World of the Elements ( 2009), Astronomy (2008), Biomimicry (2007), Natural Sciences ( 2006). In 2013 Explore Science will be held on the topic of Geosciences.

Presents youth

' Youth presents ' The project promotes the KTS the competencies of students in the presentation of knowledge. Training, competition, and communication are the mainstays of the project. It provides scientists and teachers designed teaching materials and trains teachers in seminars nationwide on. Students of 8th to 10th classes can ' presents ' youth', published on an annual student competition after preparation in the classroom to participate.

' Youth presents ' went out of the ' youth Software Price ' out. This drew from 2001 to 2011 every year students from who had developed an excellent educational software or presentation in digital form in order to present scientific and mathematical knowledge clearly. The youth project software price ended with the tenth award in January 2011.

Research for society

Another objective of the foundation is to apply research results for the benefit of society. Therefore, the Foundation supports young scientists, conducts its own research and supports projects of other institutions. They are supported mainly by their self-initiated projects.

Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies

In January 2010, the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies ( HITS) gGmbH was founded in 2003 as a successor to the EML Research gGmbH ( European Media Laboratory) opened. The sister institute of the application-oriented EML GmbH pursues long-term objectives in basic research, which should be subject to no scientific fashion trends. The working groups conduct research in the fields of life sciences, scientific databases and computational linguistics, theoretical astrophysics, statistical methods, and computer sciences. In the future, should be represented at HITS up to ten research groups. The Institute takes an interdisciplinary, collaborative approach.

Klaus Tschira laboratory

The Klaus Tschira laboratory for physical age determination is an institution of the Reiss- Engelhorn Museums of Mannheim and an affiliated institute of the University of Tübingen. Here humanities considerations for the temporal classification of works of art using scientific inquiry such as radiocarbon dating are reviewed.

Public Understanding of Science

To promote an understanding of science, the KTS supports journalists and scientists in learning communication skills in this area.

Klaus Tschira Award for Public Understanding of Science - plain text!

The Klaus Tschira Award for Public Understanding of Science is held annually and is aimed at young scientists of biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, physics or neuroscience. The task for the candidate is to describe the results of their thesis in an article generally understandable. A jury of experts will first check the scientific quality of the individual competition entries. Subsequently, a final jury of scientists, journalists and experts judged the spelling of the article and select the winners from. The winners will each receive 5,000 euros. Your items will be also in a special supplement of the science magazine published " Bild der Wissenschaft ". In addition, all participants will have the opportunity to participate in the communication foundation courses. Prerequisite for application is an excellent promotion in the invitation to tender and that the text was written in German language.

National Institute of Science Communication ( NaWik )

From 2001 to December 2012 organized clearly called the KTS communication training for scientists tip.

2012 founded the Klaus Tschira Foundation together with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology ( KIT), the National Institute of Science Communication gGmbH ( NaWik ) in Karlsruhe. The Institute trains scientists and students continue to communicate with the public and promotes dialogue between scientists and journalists. The Klaus Tschira Foundation supports the NaWik within the first five years with up to ten million euros.
