

Kodavere ( German Koddafer ) is a village (Estonian küla ) in the Estonian county Jõgeva. Kodavere administratively belongs to the rural community of Pala. The village has 53 inhabitants today.

Kodavere lies to the east of the county at Lake Peipus. By the end of the 19th century the parish Kodavere, which belonged to the circle of Tartu was, as an administrative unit between the river Omedu the north and the Emajögi ( Embach ) in the south of importance.

The single, early classical St. Michael's Church at Kodavere ( Püha Mihkli Nicholas' Church ) was consecrated in 1777. It was created in place of a medieval wooden church from the 15th century. The 1773 consecrated cemetery is located directly on the shores of Lake Peipsi.

Famous people

Kodavere plays a major role in the literary work of Juhan Liiv (1864-1913), who, like his older brother Jacob attended the parish school there. In Kodavere the Estonian poet Anna Haava was born in 1864. The writer August Kitzberg was there 1875/76 worked as a court clerk.
