
Kofola is a carbonated soft drink that is produced in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland. Kofola S. A. is now owned by the trademark located manufacturer company which manufactures and sells more soft drinks in Central Europe. In the Czech Republic and Slovakia kofola is the main competitor of Coca -Cola and Pepsi.


Kofola was the Czechoslovak pharmaceutical company Galena in the early 1960s. The company conducted research at that time for a use for the excess of caffeine, which originated in the coffee roasting. The research result was Kofo, a dark, sweet-sour -tasting syrup, which was to become the main component of the first time in 1962 selling new soft drinks kofola.

During the 1960s and 1970s kofola was extremely popular in Czechoslovakia, but it turned a substitute for the usually not available West Products Coca-Cola or Pepsi -Cola dar. In the 1980s, Pepsi was indeed available, but more expensive. After the fall of state socialism in 1989 kofola was required to compete with the newly on the open market urgent, foreign brands. There were also disputes between domestic producers that manufactured all their own " Kofolas ". Finally, after years of decline succeeded, based in the Czech Krnov and held by the Greek family Samaras company Santa nápoje, " kofola " to obtain protection as a trademark and to be the sole manufacturer and distributor of kofola in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

2002 Santa nápoje built in Slovak Rajecká Lesná a new bottling plant in order to meet the demand of the Slovak market, in 2005, a system was followed in Polish Kutno. With this the number of employees increased to over 1,000. Since 2003, the company is called kofola a.s. Besides kofola they also manufactures the brands Top Topic, Jupi, Jupík and RC Cola and exports them to Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia.

2002 began a successful media campaign, with one aimed at a younger and more modern audience. It was based on the slogan " Když ji miluješ, není co resit. / KED ju miluješ, never ever čo riešiť. " ( " If you love her, nothing else matters. "). Until 2000, the kofola logo showed a Coffee Bean, today it is a coffee flower. In addition to containers for the consumer kofola is sold in the Czech Republic and Slovakia in 50 liter drums that meet the needs of bars and restaurants, where they serve as " Točená kofola " ( " kofola on tap " ) is offered.

In July 2008, merged with the Polish company kofola Hoop KofolaHoop.


In Slovakia kofola is the main competitor of Coca -Cola and Pepsi. 2004 kofola sold 19.44 million liters. One survey 2004 showed that pull 17% of the Slovak Cola consumers kofola to other products, 14 % prefer Coca -Cola. Kofolas market share has more than doubled in just two years. (2002: 4.6%, 2004: 9.4%). Kofola thus holds to Coca -Cola (11.5%) and Walmart (9.6%) and ahead of Pepsi (5.5%), the third position.


  • Kofola original
  • Kofola Citrus (since 2004, lemon flavor)
  • Kofola bez cukru ( sugarless )
  • Kofola Třešňová ( cherry flavor )
  • Kofola Višňová ( cherry flavor)
  • Kofola Extra bylinková (with additional herbal flavor )

During the Christmas season limited editions kofola Skořicová (2007) came up with cinnamon and kofola Barborková (2008) with cherry flavor on the market.


Kofo syrup, the main component of kofola, consists of 14 natural ingredients ( including apple, cherry, black currant extracts, herbal flavors, sugar and caramel ). Compared with Pepsi or Coca -Cola kofola contains 20 % less sugar and phosphoric acid. The nutritional value is 140 kJ / 33 kcal per 100 ml
