Kola nut

The kola nut is the seed of the native to the tropics, especially in West and Central Africa Kolabaumes ( Cola ). It is especially cultivated among others in Nigeria.


Kola nuts ripen in the so-called indehiscent fruit in which can be located up to ten nuts whole. They are oblong- oval, have a wavy surface and are up to 14 cm long.

The kola nut is usually ground into powder to Europe commercially available.


The main active ingredients, up to 3.5% caffeine and theobromine ( only 0.05% included). Thus, the caffeine content of cola nut is significantly higher than that of conventional coffee. Also, included are: catechin, epicatechin, procyanidins, tannins, up to 45 % starch, proteins, sugars, fats and minerals.

Effect / use

Originally extracts of kola nut and coca bush for the production of soft drinks such as cola were used now most manufacturers are, however, resorted to the much cheaper caffeine, which occurs in the production of decaffeinated coffee.

Cola drinks, which today still contain extracts of natural cola nut, are about Fritz- Kola, Club Mate Cola, Vita Cola or Red Bull Cola. The energy - chocolate Scho -Ka- Kola contains 1.6 percent Kolanusspulver. The kola nut is also used as an ingredient of herbal and fruit teas use.

In Africa, the kola nut is a common beverage for centuries. There, the slightly bitter, earthy -tasting, about walnut-sized seeds are broken open along the seam, broken into smaller pieces, chewed for about an hour, and then spat out.

The kola nut unfolds due to its high caffeine content, among other stimulating effect. The caffeine is otherwise bound in the kola nut as for caffeine in coffee known and therefore exhibits a different mode of action than the latter. The side effects often occur as a result of coffee consumption such as heart palpitations and nervousness occur in the kola nut, therefore, to a limited extent. Other modes of action are a digestive stimulating and analgesic effects. It stimulates the intestinal peristalsis. It is also reported aphrodisiac.

In many African cultures, the kola nut is of particular cultural significance. So it is in some ethnic groups common to present as a gift to guests kola nuts, they are a symbol of hospitality. The consumption of kola nut is doing similar importance as the peace pipe smoking in Native American cultures. It is also customary in some places that the groom hands over a basket cola nuts before the wedding the bride's parents.
