
58.96083325.725833Koordinaten: 58 ° 58 'N, 25 ° 44'

Coordination ( German Kirrisaar or Gohrenhof ) is the name of a village (Estonian küla ) in the Estonian rural community Roosna - Alliku in a circle Järva.

Location and History

Coordination is about twelve miles from the city Paid (white stone). The village has 20 inhabitants (as of 31 December 2005). Near the village, the nature reserve Moor coordination raba is (750 hectares).

Good coordination

The manor coordination was 1485 (or 1483 ) first documented. (Hence the historical German name Gohrenhof and the Estonian name co ) It belonged to the Gohr family before it passed into the ownership of the family of Budde Brock in 1615. Later, it was successively owned by the noble German Baltic families Rosencrantz, roses and Brevern. 1902 came the Country Estate in the hands of the family von Stackelberg.

The Gutskomplex received late 18th century with the construction of single-storey mansion in the style of early classicism its present character. The manor was supplemented by a closed wooden veranda in the 19th century. Preserved are also numerous outbuildings of the estate and the 5.7 hectare park with pond. After the expropriation in the course of the Estonian land reform of 1919 in the manor house, a forestry center was housed. After regaining independence, the Estonian investment in 2004 went into private ownership.

A half a kilometer from the center of the estate is the family cemetery of Gutseigentümer with a simple grave stone chapel.

Hans Leberecht

The Russian- Estonian writer Hans Leberecht (1910-1960) spent in the maternal grandmother in coordination the summer of his childhood and youth. Coordination is the formal venue of Live Right ( fictional ) story Свет в Коорди ( "Light in coordination "). She appeared in 1948 and in 1949 won an Estonian state price. "Light in coordination " describes ( far from reality) the successful collectivization of Estonian agriculture and cheerful design of the collective farms after the Soviet occupation of Estonia. In the early 1950s appeared the story in German. It justified Live right career as a writer of socialist realism under the protection of Stalin, who had read it.
