
50.92638888888913.980555555556246Koordinaten: 50 ° 55 '35 " N, 13 ° 58' 50" E

Krietzschwitz is a Pirnaer district since 1974 and is situated on the national highway 172 between Pirna and Königstein, where the main road ( High Street ) branches off to the Langenhennersdorf the Biela valley.

The small town was first mentioned in documents in 1359. Apart from agriculture, its location made it directly on the trade route to Bohemia for merchants, iron and ore transports to the intermediate station.

Worth seeing is a monument of the commander Duke Eugen von Württemberg (1788-1857), which succeeded here in August 1813 to stop Napoleon's troops. This event is known as the Battle of Krietzschwitz.
