Krummbach (Klosterwaal)

Krummbach in winter

The Krummbach is one of Benedictine monks in the 15th century artificial stream, a so-called Benedictine Klosterwaal in Ochsenhausen in the district of Biberach in Baden- Württemberg.


The Krummbach rises about one kilometer southwest of the monastery Ochsenhausen in an easily to the valley of the upper Rottum (also called Bella Monter Rottum ) inclined slope and flows northeast in a landscaped slope with minimal channel bed to the monastery Ochsenhausen. He is out in the monasteries under the monastery wall and exits through these channels. In the area of ​​Ochsenhauser school center he comes back to the surface, is performed as a design element on the ground and then flows into the Lower Rottum (also Steinhauser Rottum called ).


The creek was the main piece of a technically sophisticated canal system. Numerous interconnected waterways and ponds provided water and energy for the monastery, the monastic brewery and the monastery mill. A hydraulic engineering historic trail with information boards along the curved Bach today tells the story of this historic body of water.

Attractions and buildings

Ochsenhausen Monastery, former Benedictine imperial abbey
