Kubec Glasmon

Kubec Glasmon ( born Jacob Glassman ) ( born August 12, 1897 in Ratibor, Upper Silesia, German Empire, † March 13, 1938 in Los Angeles, California ) was a native of Upper Silesia American screenwriter.


Born Jacob Glassman worked as a pharmacist in Chicago, where he was naturalized on 11 November 1932. From the early 1930s he wrote as a screenwriter in the film industry in Hollywood, the templates for about 20 films.

Coinciding with his debut The Public Enemy (1931 ) he was nominated for the Academy Awards in 1931 with John Bright for the Academy Award for best original story.

Other famous movies with your own templates were easy money (1931 ), Taxi! (1932 ) and Show Them No Mercy! (1936 ), where he worked with film directors such as William A. Wellman, Alfred E. Green, Roy Del Ruth and George Marshall.
