
Kuding Tea (Chinese苦丁茶, Pinyin kǔdīng chá ) is a herbal tea, which also bears the nickname " Bitter nail " because of its bitter taste, and the wound of delivery. Kuding tea can be made ​​from two different types of plants, from an Asian Stechpalmenart (Ilex kaushue syn. Ilex Kudingcha ), as well as a Ligusterart ( Ligustrum robustum ). Major growing areas are the Chinese provinces of Sichuan, Anhui and Japan.

Effect and ingredients

The traditional Chinese medicine associates the tea especially cooling effect. So the principle of Yin. The tradition says about the tea, he would have a positive effect on blood circulation, blood pressure and digestion. Headache should be alleviated. He had a positive influence on the eyes and mucous membranes. That is why it is also often used for colds. Among the most important active ingredients in tea include saponins.
