
59.14388925.773611Koordinaten: 59 ° 9 ' N, 25 ° 46' O

Kurisoo ( German Kurrisal ) is a village (Estonian küla ) in the Estonian rural municipality in the district Ambla Järva.

Location and History

Kurisoo located 18 kilometers from Tapa away. It was first mentioned in 1447 under the name Kyrisar. Kurisoo has 107 inhabitants (as of 1 January 2006).

The town's name probably comes from the Estonian term for sinkholes, Kurisu. The sinkhole between Kurisoo Aravete and has a diameter of twenty meters.

Good Kurisoo

The historic manor of Kurisoo was first mentioned in 1585. It was 1795, the property of the noble family von Mohrenschildt and from 1873 to the family of Staal. Last Baltic German owner before the expropriation in the course of the Estonian land reform of 1919 were the heirs Konrad Hugo von Staal.

The anderthalbgeschossige mansion in the classical style dates from the beginning of the 19th century. The main entrance is adorned by a portico with four circular columns. Since 1989 located in the building the small museum of the village.
