Lacón Gallego

Lacón is a Spanish, salted and air-dried foreleg of the pig. The word comes from the Galician and was derived from the Latin lacca; the meaning of this word in Spanish but is unclear. The most famous is the Lacón lacón gallego ( Galician Lacón ). The lacón gallego must come from Galician pigs and there have been completely manufactured to meet the additional DO ( denominación de origen ) to obtain.


The front legs that are used for the Lacón originate mostly from special breeds of pig, such as the Celta, Large White, Landrace or Duroc. Depending on the type of diet of the pig is a distinction between two types of the Galician Lacon:

  • The traditional Lacón comes from pigs that have been fed in the last three months only of cereals, chestnuts, plant tubers and acorns.
  • The commonly available Lacón comes from pigs that have been fed processed food. However, this lining is subject to continuous official supervision of the competent supervisory authority Regulating Body de la denomination específica.


The pig is slaughtered very early, but it should be at least six months old. Its weight should be at this time more than 90 kilograms.

The forelegs are treated in a process that is similar to the production of ham ( Serrano ham, Iberian ham ), only for a shorter period of time. In about 35 days, the pieces of meat are salted, then the excess salt is washed off, the front legs are suspended, air dried and matured. In the production of Lacón the pork should not be smoked, because this could alter its organoleptic properties.


The Galician Lacón usually consists of a complete front running, ie with skin and pig's foot. Only the shoulder blade is removed. The leg should weigh between three and six kilograms. The fat and the fat layer has a white to yellowish-white color and is softer, almost smooth consistency. The lean meat, however, has a pink tone. The taste and aroma are strongly influenced by the fat layer; Lacón tastes slightly salty and has a mild flavor.

Nutritional value

Like most meats, even the Lacón is a source of high quality protein. The nutritional value is similar to the shoulder of pork. Lacón has a fat content of about 20%. In relation to the air-dried ham ( Serrano ham, Iberian ham ) is the yield of proteins smaller. Pork is a known source of vitamin B ( except folic acid). It is also the type of meat containing at least purines, which may be converted to uric acid in the metabolism.

Use in the kitchen

The Lacón can be consumed both as an appetizer or as a main dish with vegetables or potatoes. A well-known, delicious and nutritious dish of Galician cuisine is lacón con grelos. Lacón can also be part of broths and soups or stews. He also is eaten as a filling in cakes or as a salty mousse. It can also be grilled or fried.

  • Spanish Cuisine
  • Pork